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Carapace for Intranet Security of Cryptography

Author : Premchand Ambhore, B B Meshramr and Archana Wankhade

Pages : 452-457
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Thus, in this paper, we had seen knowledge about number theory which is very essential in implementation of cryptographic algorithm, Public key and Private Key algorithm these are main part of this paper. We discussed some part of Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Security. Cryptographic algorithms and Applications. Hence, we conclude that by using above algorithms, security in ‘text file’ as well as ‘PDF file the cryptographic algorithms are implemented using java. The input and output of each algorithm is shown in the screen shot. The algorithm was also used for developing “pdf-encryption” application. Thus, these algorithms are useful in providing security, authentication & avoiding denial of service. Cryptography with java application software which tries to show the demo of cryptographic algorithms AES, DES, RSA, MESSAGE DIGEST, SHA-1, DIGITAL-SIGNATURE GENRATION AND VERIFICATION Beside demo digital signature accepts the input as file generate signature and verifies from other user on Application part we have implemented PDF Encryption and Decryption:-In this we have to give input as PDF file only and output will be encrypted test file. Audio Encryption and decryption :- this application we have made keeping in mind of military use as someone want to encrypt the voice messages so it will output it as the Text file ,the advantage is that Intruder will not come to know that its voice message, but actual user who have this software will automatically know via the transmission line Text Encryption and Decryption:-Its simple Text encryption of .txt files SHADOW:-This application is really worth to have notice in this we are trying to recover the master key in case sender or recipient dies. Third part is NUMBER THEORY modules SQRT:-simple code written to explain how SQRT works in cryptography Poling: – This module of Number theory, which is called Pohlig-Hellman Exponentiation cipher, uses Fermat little Theorem. GCD:- NUMBER THEORY module which generated Greatest common divisor of two numbers. GAUSSIAN: – Gaussian Elimination module m. The user enters the modulus m, the square matrix of coefficients A, and vector of constants B. If a unique solution X exists modulo m, the applet will compute and display it.

Keywords: Algorithm, Encryption, Decryption, Key

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.1 (Feb-2015)


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