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Behavior of Foam Particles Lightweight Concrete with Time

Author : Sohila A. El-Khouly, Amr H. Zaher, Ehab F. Sadek and Khalid M. Hila

Pages : 984-994, DOI:
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Lightweight Concrete with polystyrene foam particles (LWC) was obtained through the use of polystyrene foam as a partial aggregate’s replacement to reduce the concrete dry unit weight from 23 KN/m3 to 18.50 KN/m3. This research presents an experimental and theoretical investigation in the long-term behavior of LWC in compression and flexure. Two experimental programs were conducted; namely, creep and shrinkage of LWC under compressive loading test, and the time-dependent flexural behavior of reinforced LWC beams. The main variable in the first experimental program was the percentage of sustained load, while the main variables in the second experimental program were the percentage of sustained load and the percentage of compression reinforcement. Experimental results showed that LWC exhibits a significantly higher time-dependent strain (shrinkage plus creep) than normal weight concrete (NWC) under sustained compressive load and at the same compressive strength, with an increasing percentage about 9%. The creep strains of LWC seemed to be proportional to the stress to strength ratio. The time-dependent deflections of the LWC beams were higher than those of NWC beams with increasing percentage about 25%. Addition of compression steel reinforcement (As`) to LWC beams reduced time-dependent deflections. Sustained load level and LWC time-dependent deflection were directly proportional. Finally, models and equations proposed by different codes were used to evaluate the obtained experimental results. From the theoretical study, it was found that Bazant-Baweja B3 Model gave superior shrinkage strains prediction for LWC. The ACI 209R-92 presented preferable predictions of creep strain and time-dependent deflection of LWC.

Keywords: LWC behavior, Concrete type, Creep, Shrinkage, Long-term behavior, Stress- level, Compression reinforcement ratio

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.4 (July/Aug 2018)

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