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Automatic Quality Assessment of Echocardiograms on apical four-chember using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Author : Miss. Priya R. Shinde and Dr. (Mrs.) S. K. Wagh

Pages : 1265-1268
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The neural network has been used in health care with many features. The basic concept of neural network is interconnection between neurons or input layer and hidden layer. The neurons considering the weight while interacting with each other. This paper proposes convolutional neural network in medical diagnosis. It uses the term echocardiography. The echocardiography is nothing but the internal structure of a patient’s heart is studied through images. Echo is used to find the abnormalities in the images which are created by the ultrasound waves. The motivation behind this system is to decrease the overhead of the cardiologist. Result of this work is to figure out the abnormality in the patient’s heart. Since, the cardiologist may take more time to pointing out the defect or may miss the defect in the heart. In this approach there are fourchamber view. The four- chamber view consider four chambers of heart like, right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle. This is a powerful approach which can detect the defect in the heart which human eye may be ignore.

Keywords: Convolutional neural network; deep learning; quality assessment; echocardiography; apical four chambers.

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