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Automated Bumper for Damage reduction with Emergency Braking Mechanism

Author : Aditya Gandhi, Amey Deshmukh Rahul Aniyankunju and Prathamesh Kalasakar

Pages : 368-371;
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This paper is a hypothesis based on a very important requirement of safety in today’s vehicles for both the vehicle and humans inside the vehicle around the globe. When implemented, It will be an added safety measure in the current facilities such as ABS, Air Bags, etc. The concept is to improve the damage reduction capacity by adding an extendable and retractable bumper with an emergency braking mechanism. This emergency brake can be used as a successive arrangement for the existing hand brake system. The assumption made in the concept is that the body of impact would be a perfectly rigid and stationary body. The bumper is supposed to absorb as much impact as possible with the use of various energy absorption materials. This paper features the concept and conceptual working schematic of the proposed vehicle. Simulation of this method can be done in order to visualize the results possible according to the required speed and mass of the vehicle under consideration.

Keywords: Vehicle safety etc.


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