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Assessment of Trophic Status of Bellandur Lake, Bangalore, India by using USEPA Technique

Author : Ramesh.N and Krishnaiah. S

Pages : 3467-3472
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Due to rapid growth of population coupled with urbanization, the water bodies, especially, rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs etc are deteriorating due to heavy pollutational stresses resulting in the scarcity of drinking water resources. Lakes play multiple roles in an urban setting. It is essential to restore and maintain the physical, chemical and biological integrity of water bodies to achieve the required water quality, which ensure protection and propagation of fish, wildlife, plants and also recreation in and on water. The present paper attempts to work done on the development of Trophic State Index (TSI) for assessment of trophic state of Bellandur Lake in Bangalore city. This index requires the determination of Chlorophyll a (CA), Total phosphorus (TP), Secchi disc depth (SD) transparency and Total Nitrogen(TN). The index values ranging from 0 to 100 can be used for classification of trophic state of the lake. The results of the study showed that the TSI of Bellandur Lake found 85, indicating that Bellandur Lake found in hypereutrophic Stage. As Carlson’s Trophic State index needs minimum data and easy to understand, it is ideal for volunteer water conservation programmes and to educate the common man regarding the threats to the water bodies like lakes and conservation strategies that can be adopted.

Keywords: Eutrophication, Trophic State Index, Total Phosphorus, Secchi depth, Chlorophyll ‘a’, Total Nitrogen.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.5 (Oct-2014)


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