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Approach for Mass Notification Device Testing

Author : Brijesh Patil, Shiva Vyas, Anand Nadgire and Vaibhav Kulkarni

Pages : 434-436;
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Diversity in devices, lack of systematic device testing strategy has always led to open questions in the customer’s mind saying “Is the device tested correctly?” Testing of any device integrated with System Under Test (SUT) is certainly different and more complex than testing any traditional software application, as it a comprehensive testing which includes device and the infrastructure of SUT. A systematic device testing approach plays a very important role in getting the device and its supporting traditional software application released in the market with in time ensuring high quality. This white paper focuses on the lessons learnt and experiences shared along with some guiding principles that can be considered at the time of planning a systematic testing strategy. This strategy can be followed for any Mass Notification application that includes manual as well as automation testing approach in order to cover functional and nonfunctional testing. This paper will also revisit some of the most common pitfalls and pain points that often are snowed under during the test execution phase for any Mass Notification device.

Keywords: Mass Notification Device Testing, Device Testing, Mass Notification, Systematic device testing approach.


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