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Analyze the Effect of Power Turbine in Transmission System for Wind Energy

Author : Uossif Mohamed Matoug Saad and A.K.Bhardwaj

Pages : 38-42
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Wind energy resources, unlike dispatch able central station generation, produce power dependable on external irregular source and that is the incident wind speed which does not always blow when electricity is needed. This results in the variability, unpredictability, and uncertainty of wind resources. Therefore, the integration of wind facilities to utility electrical grid presents a major challenge to power system operator. Such integration has significant impact on the optimum power flow, transmission congestion, power quality issues, system stability, load dispatch, and economic analysis. grid operation is not only impacted by the uncertainty of the future production of wind farms, but also by the variability of their current production and how the active and reactive power exchange with the grid is controlled. To address this particular task, a control technique for wind turbines, driven by doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs), is developed to regulate the terminal voltage by equally sharing the generated/absorbed reactive power between the rotor-side and the grid side converters. To highlight the impact of the new developed technique in reducing the power loss in the generator set, an economic analysis is carried out. Moreover, a new aggregated model for wind farms is proposed that accounts for the irregularity of the incident wind distribution throughout the farm layout. The main focus behind this paper is to solve weakness of power demand in remote areas and reduce greenhouse gas effect with lower dependency from oil using integration of wind energy generator station.

Keywords: Wind energy, Induction generator, wind turbine, WRIG, SCIG, doubly-fed induction generators.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.1 (Feb-2015)


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