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Analysis of Vertical Axis Windmill Turbine for Electricity Generation on Highways

Author : Kiran Nakil, Akshay Tekale, Pratush Sambhus and R.S. Patil

Pages : 113-119
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In today’s life the demand on electricity is much higher than that of its production, the main objective is to produce electricity by using the force of air created by the moving vehicle in highways, Electricity can be generated by using the VERTICLE AXIS HIGHWAY WINDMILL. This is a new unique method of power generation. In this method the windmill blade is designed in a vertical direction and it is kept at the middle of the highway divider by a series combination. The force in the middle portion is higher than the side of the road .This force will rotate the vertical turbine blade and this blade is coupled with the generator which produces electricity. In this method one additional generator is coupled to increase the efficiency. The vertical axis wind turbines are not readily available in the market and not found in India but the horizontal axis wind turbine is found. Most of the research is on experimental side on determination of mechanical power and power coefficients. Various design configurations give different power performance outputs which again depend on the wind velocity. Hence the experimental study using wind tunnel is necessary to generate the data for different wind speeds. The selection of rotor parameters plays an important role to achieve the power performance. It is also important to study the effect of combinations of rotor for different aspect ratio and number of stages to achieve maximum power performance coefficient. This research aims to develop a savonius type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine capable to run on lower wind conditions in India.

Keywords: Aspect ratio, horizontal axis wind turbine, power coefficients vertical axis wind turbine, and wind velocity

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