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Analysis and Modeling of Gear Roll Tester

Author : Amol Patil, Vishal Solase, Mauli Lomber, Bhagyashree Bangar and Ganesh Jagadale

Pages : 230-234
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Gear roll testers are used to measure and analyses functional performance of gears. Gear testing is a technique that has been used in the gear industry to identify potential manufacturing defects in the design intent of the gear. It is a practical, fast and effective screening tool that can identify when the gear manufacturing process has deviated from an ideal condition that could result in a change in backlash, or an unwanted noise and vibrations in a gear mesh therefore, in the present work it was decided to develop a gear roll tester to analyze effects of different types of defects in gear on its functional performance in terms of run out, pitch errors, backlash, profile errors, noise and vibration. For the present work a spur was selected with the specifications matching with the gear used in automobiles. A test rig was designed and developed for the functional testing of spur gears. Various components were designed and selected according to the standard design procedure. The test rig was fabricated with very high accuracy. Gears with different types of defects were tested on the test rig to ensure the accuracy of it. This test rig is an important tool to the gear manufacturer to test the gears for their functional performance. The test rig can be used further to analyses noise and vibrations along with a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyzer.

Keywords: Gear, noise, vibration, error, conjugate, Analysis

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