Analysis and Material Balances of Pig Iron Plant using Energy Audit
Pages : 90-94;
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An energy audit is a study of a plant or facility to determine how and where energy is used and to identify methods for energy savings. There is now a universal recognition of the fact that new technologies and much greater use of some that already exist provide the most hopeful prospects for the future. The opportunities lie in the use of existing renewable energy technologies, greater efforts at energy efficiency and the dissemination of these technologies and options. Energy Audit attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use and serves to identify all the energy streams in the systems and quantifies energy usages according to its discrete function. Energy Audit helps in energy cost optimization, pollution control, safety aspects and suggests the methods to improve the operating and maintenance practices of the system. This energy audit of the SESA Goa Ltd is carried out by the Department of Energy Science and renewable energy group for saving the wastage of energy. This report is just one step, a mere mile marker towards our destination of achieving energy efficiency and we would like to emphasis that an energy audit is a continuous process. We have compiled a list of possible actions to conserve and efficiently utilize our scarce resources and identified their savings potential. The next step would be to prioritize their implementation. We look forward with optimism that the institute authorities, staff and students shall ensure the maximum execution of the recommendations and the success of this work.
Keywords: GEPL, GCS, BFG, OHSAS.