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Analysis and Design of Composite Power House Sub-Structure

Author : Gaidhankar D.G, Gandhi H.R and Kulkarni M.S.

Pages : 1722-1727
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The project deals with the analysis and design of substructure of a Hydro Power House located in Indonesia named as ‘Karai 7’. Though each and every hydro power plant have mostly similar components and machines but the analysis and design of civil structures in a plant are always done with different ideas and optimized techniques. Hence this case study is based on some new and different considerations in analysis and design aspects and optimization. The objective of this project also lies in knowing the difference between analysis and design of conventional structures and important structures or special structures. The components such as floating raft, flood protection wall, column footing with gantry loaded on it, draft tube box, penstock encasing block, anchor block, machine foundations and tail race channel in the power house to be studied, analyzed and designed. The necessity to study these components is because of new components and concepts used to analyze and design them. The design of gantry columns depends upon the moment and axial loads transferred by steel super-structure. In case of hydro-power generation plants usually situated at river side the uplift pressure is of major concern to deal with due to high water table condition. The massive hydrostatic pressure coming on the flood protection walls of power house leads to main consideration in designing of power house components. There are huge different machines in power house which are subjected to axial thrust as well as vibrations. The design of their foundations is different than conventional designs. The super structure results found by means of Analysis based on static and dynamic load cases will be used to design substructure. Optimum analysis results in optimum design.

Keywords: Hydrostatic, uplift pressure, sub-structure, butter-fly valve, floating raft, penstock, flood protection wall

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.5 (Oct-2016)

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