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An Integrated Approach of Token based Heuristic Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm for Cloud Computing Load Balancing

Author : Ritika Trivedi and Ubeeka Jain

Pages : 3676-3680
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Cloud Computing revolves around internet based acquisition and release of resources from a data center. Being internet based dynamic computing; cloud computing also may suffer from overloading of requests. With Tremendous increase in the users and their demand of different services on the cloud computing platform, fruitful or efficient usage of resources in the cloud environment became a critical concern. Load balancing is playing a vital role in maintaining the rhythm of Cloud computing. However this aspect of cloud computing has not been paid much attention yet. Although load balancing is being considered as an important aspect for other allied internet based computing environments such as distributed computing, parallel computing etc. Many algorithms had been proposed for finding the solution of load balancing problem in these fields. But very few algorithms are proposed for cloud computing environment. Since cloud computing is significantly different from these other types of environments, separate load balancing algorithm need to be proposed to cater its requirements. In this paper, we have proposed an integrated approach of Token Based Heuristic Algorithm (THA) and Genetic Algorithm. The proposed mechanism has been implemented and found to provide satisfactory results. This algorithm gives comparison with Round Robin Algorithm, Random Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm.

Keywords: Token Based Heuristic Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Load Balancing, Round Robin Algorithm, Random Algorithm

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.6 (Dec-2015)


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