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An experimental investigation to study combined effect of EGR and tung oil biodiesel blends used for CI engine

Author : G.A.Nagargoje, K. P. Kolhe and S.S.Ragit

Pages : 325-330, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.62
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In the current study, the biodiesel is produced from transesterification of tung oil. Properties of biodiesel are very approximate to diesel hence it can be used in diesel engine without any modification but use of biodiesel in CI engine will tends to ptoduce high NOX emission. Exhaust Gases Recirculation (EGR) is one of the most effective method to reduce such NOX emission. The study is carried out to investigate the emission and performance characteristics of single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection and water cooled CI engine to observe the effect of different EGR rates and blends of tung oil biodiesel. The rated power and speed of engine were noted down 3.5 KW and 1500 rpm respectively. The engine performances (Thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and temperature of exhaust gas) and exhaust emissions (oxides of nitrogen, unburned hydrocarbon and Carbon monoxide) has evaluated. The experimental results obtained in each case are compared with baseline data of mineral diesel. Improvements has been found in the performance parameters of the engine as well as exhaust emissions system. Result shows that, brake thermal efficiency increased by 2.16% with 10% EGR at partial load for diesel as a fuel used. The reduction in NOX is approximately 400 ppm with application of EGR at high load but HC and CO emissions were found increased same time. The experimental study indicates that Biodiesel and EGR both can be deployed together in CI engines to obtain reduction of NOX emissions.

Keywords: Transesterification, TOME, CI engine, EGR, NOX.

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