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An Experimental Investigation of Magnetically Impelled Arc Butt Welding of Pipes: A Review

Author : Abdul Khadeer Sk and Naseeb Khan

Pages : 535-540, DOI:
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This paper describes a new development of circumferential welding of pipes. Circumferential butt welds are commonly used to join pipes in various industries, including power plants and automobile industries. Magnetically impelled arc butt welding process is a hybrid welding technique. It uses a rotating electric arc as its heat source and is known as efficient method for pipe welding. In this process heat is evolved prior to forging by an arc generated between two coaxially aligned pipes, this arc rapidly rotates along the circumferential edges of the pipes to be welded due to the electromagnetic force exerted by the interaction of arc current and magnetic field generated by the external magnetic system. The entire weld over the full joint thickness is made in one single operation, instead of using several passes as in conventional welding. The main emphasis of this review is to describe the different works carried out in the past which help full for providing the information for the future development of research work. Present study exposes the different works that has been done in the past for improving the weld quality.

Keywords: MIAB welding, Rotating Electric Arc, Upsetting and Magnetic flux.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.3 (May/June 2018)

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