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An Approach to Detect Alteration in Text Document

Author : Antima Singh and Sanjay Kumar Yadav

Pages : 506-510
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In almost all watermarking based documents authentication systems, the documents are considered as binary images and then, the watermark is embedded using some image watermarking algorithms. Important text documents files are saved in a disk space and other type of storage systems. The data moves from one network to another network. Therefore, while the data travelling in this kind of network privacy and security management is an essential concern of security. If any people did tamper attack in text document file, Tamper attack can’t be found easily in the text file. The fragile watermarking Algorithms are usually used in building text authentication system for avoiding the criticalness the data using fragile watermarking Algorithm. This paper proposes a secure fragile watermarking Algorithm. This is an extension of an existing data hiding scheme with binary images. The given concept is implemented using MATLAB, and the performance of Algorithm is evaluated using the different performance parameters that are compression, encryption, detection, decryption, confidentiality and Integrity of data using secret key Authentication technique. The computed result shows the effectiveness and efficiency of the methodology for text document authentication that can be adoptable through a wide verity of application.

Keywords: Text document authentication, Fragile watermarking technique, secret key, Gray scale Image

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.2 (April-2017)

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