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Air Terminal Design using Photovoltaic Panels with Energy Conservation Optimization Approach

Author : Sahar Bayat, Seyed Abbas Yazdanfar and Seyed Bagher Hosseini

Pages : 439-446, DOI:
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Today, excessive consumption of fossil fuels in architecture, especially air terminals and with the increase in the number of terminals along with population growth, the energy shortage crisis in the not-so-distant future in this high-use structure predicted. Therefore, the present study aims was designing an air terminal using photovoltaic panels with an energy efficiency optimization approach. The most important energy efficiency of the sun is its direct conversion to electricity. One of the systems for direct conversion of energy from radiation to electrical energy is the photovoltaic system. Advantages of using photovoltaic panels have led to the growing use of these plates at various scales. In addition, the use of photovoltaic panels as structural elements in architecture has created innovations in the building industry and has given a new meaning to the architecture. The use of photovoltaics in terminals is a smart method to bring contemporary architecture to a new concept in green architecture. Finally, we can say that photovoltaic module has a double function in the terminal; that is, photovoltaic module also replaces conventional building materials and they produce electricity. By replacing photovoltaics, cost of materials is deducted from the total cost of the building and the cost of the photovoltaic acquisition is partially offset. Such as the integration of photovoltaics with the roof which is the best way to get the maximum efficiency of the system in which the sun is perpendicular to it.

Keywords: Air terminal design, photovoltaic panels, energy efficiency optimization

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.2 (March/April 2018)

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