A Security System by using Face and Speech Detection
Pages : 2176-2182
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The multimodal biometric system for identity verification using two traits i.e. face and speech. The proposed system is designed for applications where the training database contains a face and speech. The final decision is made by fusion at matching score level in which feature vectors are created independently for query images and are then compared to the enrollment templates which are stored during database preparation for each biometric trait. Based on the proximity of feature vector and template, each subsystem computes its own matching score. These individual scores are finally combined into a total score, which is passed to the decision module. Multimodal system is developed through fusion of face and speech. This system is tested on ORL database and the overall accuracy of the system is found by doing experiments yielded as 91.25% for face recognition while recognition rates for speakers 77.78 %. However, the final recognition decision for authorization or access activation is based on the recognition outcomes of the face and speech detection.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4,No.3 (June- 2014)