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A Secured Blockchain-based System for Maintaining and Processing Health Records

Author : Snehal Milind Kulkarni and Dr. (Mrs.) Harmeet Kaur Khanuja

Pages : 849-853
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In today’s digital environment, the world is moving towards progress, to achieve the desired progress; the world should have the healthy population. Every health record is an projection of an individual’s health. The current healthcare systems have several challenges such as sharing and accessing medical records across several hospitals while still maintaining security and privacy of these data. The centralized approach of maintaining the health records lead to data beaches. Since the patient have no control over the data, the chances of data being misuse is high. So we need a patient-centered approach which is completely decentralized and patient has right in access control. Blockchain technology serves the best solution to address these problems and fulfill the needs. Blockchain being the decentralized and distributed ledger, it can also impact on record sharing, medical research, identify thefts and financial data crimes in future. The objective of this paper is to highlight on patient-based healthcare model of record maintenance using Blockchain technology where smart contracts are implemented. Implementation of smart contracts in healthcare can simplify things even better where invoking, record creation and validation will be done.

Keywords: Blockchain, healthcare, electronic health records, smart contracts, storage, security, encryption, decryption.

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