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A Review on the Emotion Detection from Text using Machine Learning Techniques

Author : Ubeeka Jain and Amandeep Sandhu

Pages : 2645-2650
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An emotion is a particular feeling that characterizes a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, fear and so on. A great body of work exists in the field of emotion extraction. The work done in this area includes distinguishing subjective portions in text, finding sentiment orientation and, in few cases, determining fine-grained distinctions in sentiment, such as emotion and appraisal types. Work exclusively on emotion detection is comparatively rare and lacks empirical evaluation. This research paper tackles the problem of emotion recognition from text focusing on the implicit emotional statements – the descriptions of emotional events. Aim is to provide machines with the model for emotion reasoning allowing deeper understanding of causes of specific emotions. The ability to discern and understand human emotions is crucial for making interactive computer agents more human-like. So, there is the need of some machine learning approaches. In this paper, we are presenting a survey on the existing emotion detection techniques.

Keywords: Emotions, Machine Learning, Text Processing, E-Learning

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.4 (Aug-2015)


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