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A Review on Comparative Pushover Analysis on Different Frame Structures

Author : Raghuvaran Komati and Battu Jaya Uma Shanker

Pages : 18-22
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Due to rapid growth of population, construction of high-rise buildings became predominant. Those buildings which are not designed against seismic excitation leads to heavy structural damage due to vibrations generated by earthquake at the ground level. For low-rise buildings, reinforced concrete structures are being used over many years due to their flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Reinforced concrete structures are no longer preferred for medium to high-rise buildings due to their heavy load, lesser stiffness and hazardous formwork. Steel and composite frames are preferred for high-rise structures due to their higher flexibility and lighter weight. Composite frames are mostly preferred which enhances the stability and life of structures. Pushover analysis is a static non-linear approach which analyses the successive damage of the structure using ETABS. In this study, review of pushover analysis of different frames used for high-rise buildings such as RCC, steel and composite frames are to be discussed. Base Shear, lateral displacement of structure, time taken by structure to oscillate due to earthquake shaking and response of structure due to variation of number of stores are to be analysed. It is concluded that the steel and steel-concrete (composite) structure are the safe choice for constructing high-rise buildings due to flexibility, ductility than reinforced concrete structures.

Keywords: Composite, High-rise buildings, Pushover analysis, RCC, steel

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