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A Proposed Approach to De-speckle an Ultrasound Image using Anisotropic Filter by Generating Diffusion Tensor

Author : Poonam Chauhan and Vikas Kaushik

Pages : 739-743, DOI:
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Ultrasound imaging is a technique that is used to diagnose the diseases in medical field using radiology. US (ultrasound) imaging is a non -invasive technique and used for imaging of internal structure of the body without any kind of penetration which helps to identify the diseases that have probability and tissues. Many kinds of noises present in US images but the presence of speckle noise is a big challenge since last few years in biomedical field. Sometimes speckle noise becomes the part of information and vice-versa. So it becomes hard to find the disease for doctors. There are many de-speckled filters available for de-noising. This paper gives a proposed approach to de-speckled the US image using anisotropic diffusion filter by calculating the different numerical values like SSIM (structural similarity index), SNR (signal to noise ratio), MSE (mean square error), PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio), which results in coherence enhancement The proposed technique provides better and improved edge and coherence enhancement in ultrasound image data.

Keywords: Diffusion tensor, ultrasound images, an-isotropic filter, speckle noise, de-noising, structure tensor

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.3 (May/June 2018)

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