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A Novel Method for Data Aggregation using Spatial Correlation Clustering Method

Author : Savita Patil and Sunita Rawat

Pages : 2070-2073
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In Wireless Sensor Networks, the sensor nodes are the devices that are capable of collecting, sensing and gathering data from environment specified by the user. In order to save limited resources of sensor nodes, it is required to aggregate data from the nodes. In data aggregation process it aggregates all sensor nodes data with least amount energy utilization and sends its data to the destination. The main goal of data aggregation algorithms is to gather and collects data in an energy efficient manner so that network lifetime is improved. When sensor nodes are densely deployed, collecting data from nodes is a major task and to simplify this process, many data aggregation methods are studied and one of the data aggregation method is sending local representative data based on correlating sampled data spatially is a common practice. In this paper a correlation method is introduced, the correlation between a sensor node’s data and its neighboring sensor nodes’ data is measured. Based on this method a data correlation clustering method is presented, where a representative node is elected and sends its observation to the sink, thus reducing the number of transmissions to the sink.

Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Data aggregation, Clustering method, Data density

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.3 (June-2015)


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