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A Comparative performance analysis of CFO Estimation in OFDM Systems for Urban, Rural and Rayleigh area using CP and Moose Technique

Author : Mohd.Tavfeeq, Ashish Xavier Das and A.K.Jaiswal

Pages : 2942-2946
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Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a most efficient and well-known modulation technique for transmission of digital data with high data rate. It is a multicarrier modulation technique where available spectrum divides into number of carriers and each one being orthogonally modulated by a low data rate stream .OFDM system is most effective technique for overcome the problem of multipath fading, immunity to delay spread Increasing signal to noise ratio (SNR) with negligible Inter carrier interference (ICI) and Inter symbol interference (ISI).but High peak to average power ratio(PAPR) and frequency offset is main problem with OFDM that degrade the performance of system. One of the main reasons for ICI is loss of synchronization caused by frequency offset between oscillators at the transmitter and the receiver. This causes the carriers to lose orthogonality, so they cannot be completely separated at the receiver. As a consequence, ICI lowers the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and increases the error probability. In this paper we are trying to investigate and estimate the effects of carrier frequency offset on OFDM system using Cyclic prefix and Moose method for two different channel model like Urban, rural and Rayleigh channel model.

Keywords: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, Carrier Frequency offset, cyclic prefix and Moose.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.4 (Aug-2015)


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