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Spectral Properties for mixed Liquid of Rodamine (6G & 3GO) Dyes dissolved in Chloroform

Author : Ali H. Al-Hamdani, Yasmeen Z. Dawood and Wisam K. Hamdan

Pages : 2435-2438
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This research is focused on the spectral properties (absorption and fluorescence) for Rodamine 3GO& 6G soluble it in Chloroform, at different concentrations (1*10-5 , 2*10-5, 5*10-5, 7*10-5 and 1*10-4 mol/l) at room temperature. The intensity of absorption increased and fluorescence decreased while concentration increases which in agreement with Beer – Lambert Law. The absorption spectrum has been observed which taken a wide spectral range, so when increased the concentration each peaks shifted to a long wavelength for each solution. The fluorescence spectrum followed and entirely the same as absorption spectrum, so increase concentration shifted peaks to a long wavelength too. The quantum efficiency of the dissolved Rodamine 3GO & 6G in chloroform has been calculated for the same above concentration were (96%, 89%, 87%, 73%, 67%) respectively. In addition to the radiative life time were (0.218, 0.496, 1.204, 1.513, 1.536 ns) and the fluorescence life time (0.207, 0.481, 1.144, 1.225, 1.044 ns) respectively.

Keywords: Xanthenes dye, Rhodamine, Rhodamine 3GO, Fluorescence, Quantum efficiency

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.4 (Aug-2015)


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