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Optimization of Surface Roughness and Improving Profile Accuracy in SPIF (Single Point Incremental Forming) Process

Author : Ritesh Thakur and Narinder Kumar

Pages : 2048-2052
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Single point incremental forming (SPIF) process is novel sheet metal process. In this process, a sheet blank is tightly held at the periphery and a single-point tool deforms it in incremental fashion during successive downward steps the tool moves according to a pre-defined trajectory. As a result three dimensional shaping can be obtained without die. As a critical product quality constraint, surface roughness and profile accuracy is the weak point is the incremental sheet metal forming. It is very important to identify the impact of the forming parameter on the surface roughness and the surface finish at the production stage. This paper presents a systematic approach to modeling and optimizing the effect of three various parameter’s (step depth, tool diameter, and feed rate) on the surface roughness and the profile accuracy were measure over four points in conical profile. The experiments are conducted on AA 1200 H14 aluminum alloy and analyzed by the Response surface methodology wit box-behnken design. The optimum conditions for minimizing of overall roughness are determine as step dept 0.2mm, tool diameter 12mm, feed rate 1000mm/min. and for profile accuracy the percentage error is 4%.

Keywords: Box behnken, surface roughness, profile accuracy, Incremental forming, response surface methodology

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.3 (June-2015)


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