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Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) Bonus Regarding Piping System

Author : Adnan Naji and Shwan Abdulmuhsin Zainalaabdeen

Pages : 1914-1917
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In this study a piping system has been investigated in terms of dynamic load factor as a useful tool that indicates the effect of dynamic response in design field by finding out the natural frequencies of the piping system that will be exited by a rotary machine for several subdivided cases. The natural frequencies have been found out for the piping with three cases (guide –guide , guide – fixed and fixed-fixed) taking into account the excitation and pulsation effects from a rotary machine where the value of lowest natural frequency (Wn) with run speed of this rotary machine (Ω) have been used in the equation of the dynamic load factor for undamped forced vibration, subsequently the effect of pulsation due to expected blast in the system has been discussed also , depending on illustrated fig . for triangular pulsation. A little consideration will show that a given data for the system have been considered to be in full compliance with API 5L for pipes , API 618 for reciprocating machine and with a well-known companies standards as a practical convenience , and then some points have been concluded for other several cases by estimating the (DLF).

Keywords: DLF, Piping System etc

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.3 (June-2015)


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