A Real Time Implementation of Microcontroller Based Propeller Clock
Pages : 600-602
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The propeller clock is an array of LEDs which rotates at a high speed and creates a display. The array of light emitting diodes is turns ON and turns OFF with the help of microcontroller and it shows angular clock floating display. Microcontroller is programmed to generate appropriate signals to display words by lightning light emitting diodes in sequential manner. The floating images of angular clock will appear by the use of rotating DC motor. Propeller clock is mainly consisting of Persistence of vision. Persistence of vision is “What we watch is combination of what we are watching and what we were watched in a fraction of time”. Naturally human eye responds slowly to capture an impression of light image to read the display. Real Time Clock tracks the current time with the help of computer clock. This versatile propeller clock can shows the messages, the real time, images and many more. Automatic switching just like an analog to digital mode switching of display can be achieved by using an Infrared remote control. Other features such as time setting and selecting function which make this work more advantageous.
Keywords: Light Emitting Diodes, Real Time Clock, Persistence of Vision, DC motor.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.2 (April-2015)