Dynamic Load Distribution and Balancing using Cloud Partitioning
Pages : 2788-2791
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Cloud computing is the emerging and transformational paradigm in the field of information technology. It mostly focuses in providing various services on demand and resource allocation and secure data storage are some of them. To store huge amount of data and accessing data from such metadata is new challenge. Distributing and balancing of the load over a cloud using cloud partitioning can ease the situation. Implementing load balancing by considering static as well as dynamic parameters can improve the performance cloud service provider and can improve the user satisfaction. Implementation the model can provide dynamic way of resource selection depending upon different situation of cloud environment at the time of accessing cloud provisions based on cloud portioning.
Keywords: Cloud partitioning, Load balancing model, dynamic parameter.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4,No.4 (Aug- 2014)