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Stress Analysis of Bolt used to connect Two Plates in Circular ArrayPpattern for Various Loads

Author : Manoj Sayaji Sonawane and S.N.Shelke

Pages : 2531-2535
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Most of mechanical connections are subject to dynamic loads. Rotating and reciprocating machinery generates significant cyclic loads (fluctuating). Same like that the nuts and the bolts play a most important role in the machinery fittings, machinery makings and the constructional purposes too. Threaded fasteners are probably the best choice to apply a desired clamp load to assemble a joint, at a low cost, with the option to disassemble whenever necessary. As bolted connections (joint) are of sever importance in most of the machines and automobiles etc. For each and every application, designing a unique solution has become time consuming and subjective in approach. There is a strong need to include the virtual validation of the design in the process of approval of the concept at the technical level. Lack of `Analysis’ may result in improperly designed structure of the assembly that might get fail under normal working loads and/or other controlled conditions. It is necessary to design and validation of the bolted connection in less possible time and without any need for experimental testing, as it is not possible practically to do experimental testing for every new design of bolted connection. FEA tools and techniques are being used for stress analysis in bolts used to connect two steel plates in circular array pattern. Experimental test conducted in order to validate the results obtained in FEA.

Keywords: FEA, Stress Analysis, bolt, Circular Array configuration, UTM, Shear test.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.4 (Aug- 2014)



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