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Effective Energy Utilization in Non-Conventional Bakery Ovens (A case study of Adamawa State, Nigeria)

Author : Gideon Ayuba Duvuna and Benjamin Ternenge Abur

Pages : 1412-1417
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A study was conducted on fuel wood as energy source in non-conventional bakery ovens. Nine bakery ovens selected randomly were considered for the study. Three each from the study areas, namely Mubi, Yola and Numan Local Governments metropolis, Adamawa State, coded (A, B, and C), (D, E, and F), (G, H and I) respectively. Thermometer, spring balance, measuring scale pan and tape were used to measure the temperatures, masses of fuelwood, bread and dough, and the oven wall thickness respectively. Minimum and maximum energy utilization of 20.27% and 25.11% with corresponding minimum and maximum heat losses of 74.89% and 79.73% were obtained. Two main channels of energy losses were identified. First channel depends on the oven characteristics and the other is through the present practice that allows time for evacuating the oven chamber before the commence ment of the baking process. Estimated oven wall thickness of 0. 33m (33cm) (i.e, 5cm in excess of the present average of approximately 0.28m (28cm) obtained from the bakeries considered for the study) was found to reduced the rate and quantities of heat lost by 14% and the corresponding quantities of heat energy conserved, its Naira equivalent ranged from 6.66 x 104kJ to 2.80 x 105kJ and N67.00 to N283.21 respectively. Thus large proportion of energy obtained from fuelwood is wasted in non- conventional ovens. The paper, therefore recommends ways of possible improvement of efficient utilization of fuelwood in non-conventional bakery ovens.

Keywords: Non-conventional Ovens, Energy Sources, Fuelwood, Energy Utilization, Bakery.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.3 (June- 2014)



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