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Flap Architecture by Morphing Trailing Edges

Author : Bhupal Rakham and Srinivas G

Pages : 388-392, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/Spl.2.2014.71
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This paper proposes flap architecture for a variable camber trailing edge, whose reference geometry is based on a full scale wing for a regional transport aircraft. The compliant rib is based on a truss-like structure where some members are active rods made of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA). These actuators are able to sustain the external loads while allowing controlled shape modification. Elastic elements are incorporated to provide pre-straining for the SMA and therefore allow cyclic actuation. The layout of the structure is obtained from public domain literature, incorporating practical constraints, by focusing on a basic truss-like element and its repetition and position within the overall truss. The aero structural performance is estimated using FE analysis in ANSYS. The SMA behavior is to be modeled using a dedicated routine to evaluate the internal stress. The flap analysis carried out from 20 to 240 deflections and analyzed for the Stress and strain of each deflection for two types of cross sections of the flap. One is rectangular cross section and another one is circular cross section, also defined best suitable one for trailing edge flap. The design fulfills a number of key requirements: a smooth actuation along the chord; morphed shapes that assure the optimal aerodynamic load distribution for high lift; light weight; low mechanical complexity.

Keywords: Flap, Morphing, Architecture, Wing, Analysis, Trailing edge.

Article published in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2014, Special Issue-2 (Feb 2014)





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