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Multi-Objective Optimization of Design Parameters of a Shell &Tube type Heat Exchanger using Genetic Algorithm

Author : Sampreeti Jena, Pandaba Patro and Siddhartha Shankar Behera

Pages : 1379-1386
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While there has been ample research on the optimization of heat exchangers from economic point of view using a wide range of algorithms, there has been no work to achieve the simultaneous optimization of 2 objectives- the annual sum of capital investment and working cost as well as the length of the heat exchanger. The given work has drawn a co-relation between the minimization of length and the minimization of length. We have clearly outlined the impact of minimization of one objective on the other. In order to achieve this we have implemented the multi-objective solver that uses genetic algorithm (gamultobj), available in the MATLAB optimization tool-box. The multi-objective algorithm(Elitist Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm) searches for the optimal values of design variables such as outer tube diameter, outer shell diameter and baffle spacing, for two types of tube layout arrangement (triangular and square) with the number of tube passes being two or four.

Keywords: Heat, Exchanger, Cost, Optimization, Genetic

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.3,No.4(Oct- 2013)




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