Enablers and barriers for utilization of fly-ash in Indian cement industry
Pages : 31-35
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In last four decades, an evolution changes have brought in cement concrete technologies and apart from the strength consideration, durability and economy have become core factors for deciding the quality of the cement concrete. Presently cement concrete has four essential ingredients – cement, aggregates (coarse & fine), water and fly ash in place of traditionally three ingredients cement, aggregates and water. In India, though various Indian Standards published by Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS), specifies use of fly ash as part replacement of cement in concrete, in actual practice it is in nascent stage ( NTPC, 2006 ).In utilization of flyash in Indian cement industry has different scenario, the supportive view are vast space occupied by wet flyash ponds alarm government to support cement industry, the carbon dioxide reduction advantage, water contamination due to open storage of flyash etc., these enables its more and more utilization by cement firms but on other view limitations also occurs, like lack of required information to actual uses of flyash by state/central government construction department, builders and developers etc. In this paper fly-ash utilization in different sectors is presented a special focus on cement sector utilization and its enablers – barriers about replacement of cement in concrete by fly-ash is discussed.
Keywords: cement, fly-ash, million tons, utilization
Article published in International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.1,No.1 (March- 2013)