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Time based integrity checking and data sharing over Cloud

Author : Miss.Poonam M. Kamble and Prof. Mrs. J. M. Kanase

Pages : 959-963
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Cloud computing is one of evolving technology nowadays, giving versatile services. However, secure information sharing is vulnerable to cloud computing. With cloud storage services, customers can remotely keep their information to the cloud and recognize the data sharing with others. Access management is a troublesome task to share sensitive information on cloud servers. Remote data integrity auditing is proposed to guarantee the integrity of the information stored in the cloud. The cloud data might contain some sensitive information it should no longer be exposed to others when the cloud report is shared. Encrypting the entire shared file can recognize the sensitive data hiding, however, it will make this shared report not able to be utilized by others. At pick time the server not able to serve all the request at the time. In order to address this problem, we propose a remote data integrity auditing scheme and secure Data sharing with time constraints mechanism in Cloud Computing. This paper comprises the study of various encryption schemes which can be put to use for securing the patient’s sensitive health information on cloud along with the implementation and performance analysis of a healthcare application which encrypts the health records of patients before outsourcing it for storage over cloud and ensures effective access control, secrecy and integrity of health information.

Keywords: Cloud storage, Third-Party Auditor (TPA), time server, data integrity auditing, sensitive information hiding.

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