Secure File storage on Cloud Computing using Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm
Pages : 771-774
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Cloud Computing is very famous and flexible Technology which is used in many areas like Industry,Military, Education,Hospitals,Telecommunication etc to store large amount of data. This data access by user very quickly as per request of user, but there is many issue to store data on cloud regarding security because number of user shear same data. The basic Aim to design security method by using Hybrid Cryptography to provide a highest level of security. Provide highest level security by using single algorithm it is difficult. In this paper we try to introduce new cloud computing security by using Symmetric key cryptography algorithm and stenography. In proposal system AES, Blow-fish, RC6, BRA algorithms are included for security purpose. All algorithms have 128bit key size and file divide into Eight parts and each and every part will be encrypted with the help of Multi threading technique. key for data encryption is covered in Image using LSB technique. Image is send to Valid Reviver using mail for the Decryption purpose.
Keywords: Cloud services, Encode, Decode, Hybrid Cryptography,steganography,Blowfish,RC6 and BRA.