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A Query-based Travel Route Recommendation using Locationbased Social Networks

Author : Ms. Sonali N. Parab and Dr. Santaji. K. Shinde

Pages : 663-668
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Travel route recommendation is broadly studied area in case of location based services. Millions of check-in records are generating all over the world through location-based social networks (LBSN), which can provide essential information about places visited by users and their traveling experiences through tag information. This information can be useful in suggesting travel routes to users to facilitate trip planning. Earlier route recommendation frameworks mainly focused on improving route optimality in case of budget, attractiveness and effectiveness but simultaneously have some limitations, which we have mentioned in this paper. The proposed system deals with planning a trip as per user preferences by recommending a proper route. Here, the user specifies his preferences via keywords. It aims to give reminder to the user about his/her schedule on trip in real time. The proposed system uses two algorithms namely, Dijkstra’s and Haversine algorithm. The earlier one used to find out shortest distance between the places while the latter one used to find out the distance between two points on a sphere. The system implementation results in an android application, which aims to plan a trip as per details entered by the user and notifies user about his/her schedule in real time.

Keywords: Trip planning; route recommendation; tag information; Location-based social network; point-of-interest recommendation

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