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Auto Gas Lift-The Intelligent Well Solution to Increase Productivity

Author : Imtiaz Hakro, Abdul Haq Tunio and Masood Ahmed Bhatti

Pages : 13-21, DOI:
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As the global demand for energy keeps growing, the demand for oil and gas will keep mounting. Billions of dollars are being spent by oil and gas industries to set up the infrastructures of smart field. Managing these fields involves combined methods and knowledge for unmanned and independent handling of these field an enough number of synchronized data is gathered and monitored from wells for smooth and uninterrupted operation. Among all forms of artificial lift, the most common used is automatic gas lift, which is mostly used for offshore wells. The reason for its simplicity and relative use is its downhole flexibility, simplicity, reliability, and capability to operate over a widespread range of flow rates with restricted well head space. Implying the Automatic Gas lift (AGL) technique can cut the operational cost and increases the “Net Present Value” (NPV) by maximizing recovery from a field.
In this study, GAP models were being made for DN horizontal, DI Vertical, Non-Contagious (NC), and AGL. The models made were used to predict cumulative oil production, gas production, water production, and pressure drop. After all the predictions were made comparative study was done in order to understand the trends. The results demonstrate substantial increase in oil recovery using Auto Gas Lift in the field through vertical wells 1,2 and 3 which otherwise is quite low in do-nothing case. Moreover, it has been observed that Auto Gas Lift provides higher recovery compared to vertical wells. Hence, fewer number of horizontal wells can be bored in the field to increase revenues and ultimate increase in efficiency of the reserves.

Keywords: Automatic gas lift, GAP, Oil, recovery

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.11, No.1 (Jan/Feb 2021)

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