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Design Modification and Heat Transfer Analysis of different Geometry Fins

Author : Hemraj Chaudhary, Jai Kumar and Manish Kumar

Pages : 390-395, DOI:
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Heat transfer is a notable constraining variable for the effectiveness of internal combustion engines. The capacity to anticipate heat transfer in engine concludes a significant role in engine advancement. The heat transfer rate optimization increases the efficiency and reflects the saving in the power supplied of the automobile engine. The cylinder surfaces are extended to dissipate more amount of heat, and these extended surfaces are known as fins. Fins are a necessary part of the engine cylinder which aides in expanding heat dissipation rate produced by the engine. The heat dissipation relies on the speed of the air, surrounding temperature, geometry, and surface of the fin. The main objective of this research study is to analyse the new design and heat transfer properties of the fins to increase the fin efficiency, effectiveness and heat transfer rate by simulating the different geometry fins (as rectangular, circular, annular, zigzag and curved). The 3-D modelling of fins was done in CAD software and the CFD analysis was carried out to determine the heat dissipation flow through the fins. The analysis of the fins was carried out using material aluminium alloy 6061 which has a higher thermal conductivity.

Keywords: Heat Transfer Rate, Design of Fins, Effectiveness of fins, CFD, Finite Element Analysis, Convection

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.10, No.3 (May/June 2020)

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