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Optimal Load Shedding of Iraqi Power System using Frequency and Voltage Sensitivities Method

Author : Afaneen Anwer and Mizher Nazar

Pages : 96-104, DOI:
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Load shedding scheme is implemented as a safety net to prevent system collapse after subjected to a disturbance and to maintain the stability of power system. The load shedding algorithm based on the frequency and voltage sensitivities was presented in this paper. The rate of frequency change is using to determine the total amount of load shedding, and the corresponding quantity of load shedding at each bus is determine based on voltage sensitivity that calculated for each bus. The proposed algorithm was applied on the Iraqi Power System, the results showed that the proposed load shedding scheme is accurate with minimum load shedding. The analysis was applied with or without taking into account the importance of some loads. It was obvious that the total amount of load and the values of the frequency and voltage levels are the same in the two cases but there was a new amount of load shedding from the buses.

Keywords: Load Shedding; Rate of Frequency Change; Voltage Sensitivities; Importance of Load; Iraqi Power System

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.9, No.1 (Jan/Feb 2019)

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