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The interaction between Waste Water Contaminations and Sandy Soil

Author : Olfat Hamdi and Ahmed S. Rashed

Pages : 7-16, DOI:
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The soil environment is considered one of the most effective natural water-treatment systems on earth. For millions of years, it has protected the earth’s pristine groundwater resources from pollutants collected in water percolating from the surface. However, contamination of soil by sewage can occur from different sources such as raw sewage overflow, septic tanks used as on-site sanitation or can result from leaking sewer lines, land application of sludge, oxidation ditch, wetland and aerated lagoons as well. The interaction between waste water contaminations and different types of soil, must be a point of concern. This interaction depends on chemical, biological and physical characteristics of both soil and waste water. The main aim of this study is to study the effect of soil on raw waste water and assess the effluent wastewater from soil. Pilot scale model was constructed at Serabium WWPT, Ismailia government, Egypt. The main component of the test units is sandy soil as a base and raw wastewater as a water head above the soil with different ratios of 1/3, 2/3 and 1/1 consequently. Raw wastewater influent was taken from the approach channel after grit removal tanks. Soil classification test was carried out by using textural classification, Medium sand and Silty sand were used for the test units. Wastewater head was permeated through soils where the period time for getting samples for analysis was twenty days as average.

Keywords: Soil, Wastewater, Soil Composition, wetland, aerated lagoons, groundwater table

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.9, No.1 (Jan/Feb 2019)

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