Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste by Bio Methanation in Sangli City
Pages : 1571-1576, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijcet/v.8.6.9
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India is developing country where population increases per year. As time progressed the peoples are migrated from towns to cities, they generate more and more MSW. Nowadays in India, the most common ways of handling waste are to open dumping and uncontrolled burning. These methods are causing severe environmental pollution and health problem. However, there are some other effective methods are present in nowadays to reduce the amount of waste generated such as Bio methanation. Today in sangli city the collected waste is sent to the landfill site without doing any process on it. Hence it is necessary to design solid waste treatment facility to the sangli city. In this paper and attempt is made to design biomethane plant for disposing of waste generated in sangli city which provides number of other benefits in the form of methane gas which could be used for cooking, electricity generation and manure for farming. The study concluded that the installation of biomethane plant in sangli city for disposing of MSW is improving solid waste management practice so as to reduce environment pollution, saving transportation cost of waste and improve quality of life in city.
Keywords: Solid waste management, population forecasting, generation rate, Biomethane plant, Design
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2018)