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Response of Multistory Irregular L Shape Building under Basic Wind Speed of 39 m/s

Author : Ashish Sadh, Sagar Jamle and Ankit Pal

Pages : 1558-1563, DOI:
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Wind analysis in this era considered as a main criteria for modern tall buildings such that the tall buildings are considered as a cantilever structure which is fixed at its base and is free at other end. These multistory buildings are not same in plan and having different projections which is vulnerable to wind and its exposures. The main criteria in this research work is to present the position of these tall buildings having plan of L – shape 20 story building under a basic wind speed of 39 m/s. Using Staad pro software, a total of 4 cases has analyzed. Dimension of plan is different from both the projection on which wind is applied in all four directions. A comparison of result parameters like displacements, story drift, axial forces in column, shear in beam in both longitudinal and transverse direction are made for all the models and suggestions are made to choose which position is the best of all.

Keywords: L shape building, Maximum displacement, Structural position, Staad pro, Story drift, Wind effects

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2018)

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