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Investigation into Building Energy Consumption between Theory, Experiment and Modelling

Author : Firas J. Khusiafan

Pages : 1006-1011, DOI:
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The primary purpose of this project plan is to outline the road map to achieve the aim of the project. This project investigates the energy consumption and associated energy losses that occur across an infrastructure, and to make recommendations with possible improvements to the infrastructure resulting in reduction of the energy losses. The Engineering Workshop building on the Byrom Street, campus of Liverpool John Moores University have been planned to investigate. Detailed plan is made to achieve the objectives of this project. The plan includes the energy losses calculated between the Workshop and the outside environment through three different methods; Theoretical calculation, Experimental real time Data logging and suitable Computer Modelling. This investigation plan traverse with Literature review in first week and collection of data required in each of the three methods for a span of eleven weeks, among the parameters like heat transfer rate, thermal conductivity, temperature recordings over sustained period, and the Workshop building material properties are collected. The energy losses occurred through the workshop building are determined from the three methods. Finally, within two weeks, all the three methods results are compared and validated. In conclusion, the investigation results hope to assert the energy losses determined by the three different models are identical. And any improvements to the Engineering Workshop building infrastructure that would minimize the energy losses and henceforth reduction in the building energy consumption are recommended. The investigation terminates with Project report documentation and submission by week 14; presentation and oral examination of the project planned in week 15-16.

Keywords: Energy consumption, energy losses etc.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.4 (July/Aug 2018)

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