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Punching Shear Behavior of RC Flat Slabs Strengthened with Steel Shear Bolts

Author : M. Hamdy, M. Saafan, S.K.Elwan, S.M.Elzeiny and Amr Abdelrahman

Pages : 651-662, DOI:
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This paper aims to determine the efficiency of using steel Shear Bolts to strengthen RC slabs in punching shear at interior columns. The Shear Bolts used in this study consists of a vertical rod and anchored from both ends using a washer and nut system. Shear Bolts are installed in holes, drilled in concentric perimeters around column, after casting and just before testing. In this Work, an experimental research program was described in which seven half-scale models representing interior slab column connections were tested. Seven square specimens (2000 x 2000 x 150 mm) were divided into two groups. The first group deals with three specimens with square column 150 x 150 mm; one specimen without strengthening as a control specimen and the other two specimens strengthened with shear bolts with different strengthened length around the column. The second group deals with four specimens with rectangular column 150 x 300 mm; one Specimen without strengthening and the other three specimens strengthened with Shear Bolts with different strengthened length and arrangements around the column. All Specimens were loaded until failure. The ultimate load, deformation, punching perimeter, strain in flexural reinforcing bars, strains in Shear Bolts, and the failure mechanisms of each specimen were generated and analyzed. The load-deflection curves are presented which show how Shear Bolts increases punching shear capacity and post failure ductility of slab-column connections.

Keywords: Punching shear, Flat Slabs, Punching Shear RFT., Shear Bolts, Slab-Column Connections, Strengthening and Ductility.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.3 (May/June 2018)

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