Enhancing Heat Extraction Rate in Automobile Radiator with the Help of Al203 Based Nano-Fluid
Pages : 355-357
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Nanofluids are a relatively new classification of fluids which consist of a coolant with nanosized particles of metal oxides (1-100 nm) mixed within them. These addition of metal oxides increase conduction and convection coefficients, so heat transfer rate is increases .In an automobile sector, lot of heat is generated due to the combustion. If this heat is not removed from the engine, temperature becomes too high which causes overheating and decrease in viscosity of the lubricating oil, wear of the parts of engine, failure of engine components may occurs due to high thermal stresses. The automobile engine uses a heat exchanger device, called as radiator to remove the heat from the engine. But for removing heat, area increasing is the limitation. To avoid this increasing area, we can use the nanofluids which increases the heat transfer rate in engine
Keywords: Nano particles, coolant, ethylene glycol, Aluminium oxide (AL2O3),Heat transfer rate, convective heat transfer coefficient.