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Traffic Study and Analysis of Project Road (SH-93) Using Pavement Management System

Author : Pradnya Mawale and Raju Narwade

Pages : 198-201
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Pavement Management Systems (PMS) are widely used to maintain safe, durable and economic road networks. Pavement gets damaged due to environment effect and traffic movement Maintenance, therefore essential for the safety of the passengers as well as vehicles. Thus accurate assessment of the existing traffic and forecasting attains utmost importance in the projects taken up under BOT/ Annuity / Any Other PPP format on DBFO Pattern. The traffic characteristic of a corridor is required for design of pavement, fixing a number of traffic lanes, geometric design, design of intersections and economic appraisal. Traffic is the first thing to check before upgrading any facility. In this study, In order to understand the characteristics and the volume of traffic using the project road, data on the road network and traffic and travel pattern of vehicles plying on the project road were collected through primary surveys., on the project road State Highway (SH-93) Wakan to Khopoli section (Km. 0 to Km. 41) for 10 km road section (Km 41 to Km 31), were collected. This section starts from the Khopoli junction where there is a T junction formed with Pen-Khopoli road and the Wakan- Khopoli road. This junction is adjacent to the Mumbai  Pune expressway which can be accessed from this road. The data collected was categorized, processed, and analyzed, is used to generate prediction of pavement distress and condition models.

Keywords: Geometric design, characteristic of traffic, pavement distress, economic appraisal, predictions

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.1 (Feb-2017)

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