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Experimental Study of the Effect of the Build Direction on the Compressive Strength of Components made of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Method and a Three-Dimensional Printer

Author : Alireza Asa , Saeid Abazary and Abolfazl Masomi

Pages : 81-84
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Rapid prototyping technology capable of building prototypes for various models with different genus provides. This type of modeling component model and delivers a few hours .FDM rapid prototyping system, three-dimensional printers and rapid prototyping of commercial devices. Rapid prototyping methods are now becoming a very convenient and efficient method for small batch production requirements. In most of these methods require no initial investment cost of mold components as well. Strength of components made of fused deposition method and anisotropic three-dimensional printers are highly dependent on the parameter type of the parts are building them. These parameters include the build direction, fiber angle, air gap, width fiber and temperature measurement of model ….Is. Among the multitude of parameters, the most important parameter for the build direction and the fiber angle of the FDM is a three-dimensional printer. Experiments conducted in this study to measure the effects of the build direction on the mechanical properties of materials and components made of fused deposition modeling (FDM) and three-dimensional printer is. Based on tests performed with thawed sediment samples for layering axial compressive strength is equal to 42.37Mpa , which is 12.4% greater than the strength of the sediment sample is FDM with the transverse layering , as well as a three-dimensional printer for samples with a diagonal layering of most of the strength versus strength is 9.41MPa.

Keywords: Rapid prototyping, fused deposition modeling (FDM), three-dimensional printer, the build direction


Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.3,No.1 (March- 2013)





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