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Defluoridation of Drinking Water by Glucamine-Modified Ordered Mesoporous Silica Type SBA-15

Author : Taissire Ben Amor, Anissa Hamrouni, Mohamed Tlili and Mohamed Ben Amor

Pages : 1885-1889
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The present survey highlights for the first time that glucamine-modified ordered mesoporous silica (OMS) type SBA-15 can be used as adsorbents for the uptake of fluoride from water. By means of X-Ray Diffraction, N2 adsorption-desorption, Thermogravimetry and Fourier transform InfraRed the structure and physicochemical properties of the materials were characterized. The behavior of the calcined and glucamine modified SBA-15 in adsorption of fluoride from solutions were investigated. Batchwise adsorption test of prepared adsorbent was carried out in aqueous sodium fluoride solution and natural water containing fluoride ions. Physico-chemical parameters such as adsorbent dose, equilibrium contact time, pH, initial fluoride concentration and co-existing anions were studied in a series of batch adsorption experiments. fluoride adsorption on the adsorbent was saturated within 3 hours in solution containing 2 mg L-1 of fluoride, with 2 g L-1 of adsorbent dose. The maximum adsorption of fluoride on the adsorbent could be obtained in the solution at about pH 3. The pH changes during the adsorption process suggested that the OH on the surface of OMS type SBA-15 was the adsorption sites. Comparative studies for fluoride removal in synthetic as well as natural water showed relatively higher fluoride removal in synthetic water.

Keywords: Defluoridation, OMS SBA-15, Grafting, adsorption.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.5 (Oct-2016)

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