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Augmentation of Heat Transfer using Drilled Hole & Cut Twisted Tape Inserts

Author : Naresh Dhamane, Mayur Jadhav, Rushikesh Jejurkar

Pages : 104-108
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A heat exchanger is a mechanism facilitating the convective heat transmission of fluid within the conduit and is lengthily used in many applications, such as thermal power plants, chemical industries, air conditioning equipments, refrigerators, and radiators intended for vehicles. Till now efforts have been completed to decrease the dimension and price of heat exchangers. In broad, heat transport expansion can be separated in two types. One is the reactive technique without incentive by external command such as rough surfaces, extensive surfaces and swirl flow strategy (twisted tape, wire coils). The other is active technique, which needs additional outside power sources, for example, fluid shaking, fluid inoculation and suction and employing electrostatic fields. Turbulators are put into the stream to give redevelopment of the boundary layer, to add to the heat transfer plane region and to origin improvement of heat transfer by rising the turbulence or rapid amalgamation. Consequently, a added compact and cost-effective heat exchanger with short operation costs can be obtained. In current research work, a twisted tape insert having a hole at various locations & v-cuts along the outer periphery is experimentally analyzed & effects of various parameters on Nusselt number & Reynold’s number is studied.

Keywords: Augmentation, insert, Nusselt number, Reynold’s number, twist ratio

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