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Modification and Testing on Major Loss Apparatus by considering various Effecting Parameters

Author : Naresh Dhamane, Sachin B. Labade and Dharam S. Maradiya

Pages : 100-103
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The purpose of carrying out current experimental & analysis is to co-relate the head loss with various affecting parameters. For mathematical analysis and graphical analysis purpose use of MATLAB is considered to find the more accurate equation for head loss. This new formula and study will provide the base for chemical and irrigation department for calculating the accurate head loss by using various materials in various working conditions. Experimental work also helps to calculate the accurate lost power to overcome the friction. In the past review it is shown that head loss is directly proportional to the square of velocity, but in experimental study it observed that the relation is non-linear. Also the linearity varies with discharge rate. It is found minimum for some particular value of discharge. The accuracy of formula validated and verified on head loss measuring apparatus by using known values of discharge rate which are calculated from interpolation of graph & gives expected result regarding head loss.

Keywords: Discharge, friction, head loss, major loss, minor loss

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